Intended to provide a single unifying case for change in the multiple myeloma community, the Call-to-Action focuses on the high-priority unmet needs in multiple myeloma identified by the Collaboration Council.

It aims to:

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Shed light on the global unmet needs that remain in multiple myeloma: for patients, caregivers, healthcare professionals, patient advocates, policy makers, and health systems

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Advance care and outcomes by outlining both progress to date and actions for change

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Unify a multistakeholder audience around common goals to inspire action

The Call-to-Action in detail

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The multiple myeloma difference

Introducing the burden and complexity of an incurable disease, including exploration into the heterogeneity that makes multiple myeloma difficult to manage, and uncovering the unique nature of the disease that drives the need for a specific approach to evolve both care and outcomes. 

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Delays in timely diagnosis
of multiple myeloma

Outlines factors contributing to delayed diagnosis in multiple myeloma with supporting evidence pulled from insights and research, and explores the barriers behind achieving a timely diagnosis in multiple myeloma, such as limited understanding of the disease in community settings, the difficulty to achieve a correct diagnosis, and the availability of easy testing.

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Complex treatment decision‑making
in multiple myeloma

Highlights the intricacy of the multiple myeloma treatment algorithm where new advances are outpacing the clinical community, resulting in unclear consensus and guidance on treatment choices. Considers the disparities in research and country-specific regulatory and reimbursement mechanisms. 

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Limited applicability and
diversity of clinical trials

Explores the challenges associated with real-world applicability of clinical trials, and the importance of inclusion of diverse populations to represent the complex real-world multiple myeloma populations. 

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Inconsistent holistic management
of multiple myeloma

Introduces holistic approaches required for optimal multiple myeloma care, to ensure the health ecosystem adapts with advancing clinical innovation, and the gaps and needs of the care pathway and support systems in multiple myeloma are filled. 


MM, multiple myeloma.